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    6th & 7th May'15 Indore

    10th May'15 Chandigarh

    16th & 17th May'15 Mumbai

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  •                                                                           Kettlebell V/s Dumbbell   A common question often asked during my seminars : “What makes a kettlebell different […]

  •   Recently I have been getting a lot of opportunities to train the athletes & sports men of India using Kettlebells. These include the Rugby players of Indian army, tennis players, martial artists and cricketers of Pune, Mumbai and Delhi. The feeling is great specially because I have been a sportsman myself all through my […]

  •   This may seem to be an economic article rather being a fitness article, but I felt the desire to write it. Just got an email in which I am invited to a conference which mentions that the PricewaterhouseCoopers report to FICCI says that the wellness industry will touch Rs. 1 lakh crore (1 trillion) […]

  •   A step by step guide to performing a Kettlebell Swing – an excellent exercise for conditioning & strength. Trains the entire posterior chain of the body, great for fat loss, develops crazy cardio-respiratory endurance, strength-endurance & power-endurance. An absolute must for people who prefer to workout at home and a great addition in anyone’s […]

  •   The attached pic is me competing in Hongkong Open Kettlebell Sport Championship back in July’12. With it I became the 1st Indian to represent the country in an International Kettlebell Sport championship and got all necessary international …exposure and a chance to make very good friends belonging to this sport. I have not competed […]

  •   One of the latest additions to the gyms and athletic training centers in India is Kettlebells. Kettlebells in India are growing popularity due to its looks, but their benefits lie in its completeness as a fitness training tool. A Kettlebell, unlike many other fancy & latest gym equipments is a no non-sense and nearly complete […]

  •   Core is just not confined to  the muscles of the abdomens. All my personal training, home training & online training clients make use of minimal or no machines at all in their trainings. If machines were so necessary, then all the warriors  of ancient times, wouldn’t have been in great shape and strong.  Human […]

  •   Even with changing fitness trends and increase in awareness, still there is a huge challenge to make majority of the women working out in the gym to train for strength and lift weights. The phobia of getting “BULKY” or “HUGE” by lifting weights still haunts them stopping them from lifting weights not realizing the […]

  •   Most people find enough reasons for not being able to join a gym to meet their fitness and fat loss goals. It’s such a busy and stressful world…gym is out of question!!! Till you’re in your mid 20’s, you can probably escape from the effects of poor lifestyle of inactivity and unhealthy eating habits. […]

  •   A big majority of the people who are working out the gym are aiming for FAT LOSS. In fact fat loss has become such a huge industry now that a large no. of weight loss centers, yoga classes, aerobic classes, spinning classes etc have spawned up in the country from well over a decade […]

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