• Courses Schedule

    DATES & CITIESDetails

    6th & 7th May'15 Indore

    10th May'15 Chandigarh

    16th & 17th May'15 Mumbai

  • +971554475051
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Receive valuable information on kettlebell fitness exercises & nutrition

Ballistic Kettlebell Fitness Academy, as the name suggests, is a fitness academy specializing in Kettlebells as a fitness tool.

Ballistic conducts certification courses for trainers, in-house workshops for gyms, and workshops for athletes & fitness enthusiasts.


Founded by Abhinav Malhotra in 2013, who is India’s 1st International Kettlebell Sport Athlete, the academy has its headquarters in Pune and operates in several parts of India.

Abhinav Malhotra is certified from Russia and USA from the world’s best kettlebell coaches.


Ballistic conducts in-house workshops for gyms, athletes, and sports teams and their strength & conditioning staff.

Ballistic conductscorporate training and workshops.


Ballistic provides consultation services to various sports teams & sports academies to improve the performance of their players/athletes by incorporating kettlebells into their S&C (Strength & Conditioning) programs.

The courses & workshops outside Pune are organized by regional representatives. Courses are generally for 2-3 days.


CERTIFIED KETTLEBELL TRAINER – LEVEL 1 course in Pune, Mumbai, Delhi, India link

Contact Ballistic with your requirements!

Master kettlebell for your fitness!



Founder, CEO and Master Coach

India’s 1st international Kettlebell Sport athlete

Certified in kettlebell training from US & Russia

CrossFit level 1 trainer

Certified in Advanced Personal Training for Special Population by K11

Director/Co-founder : India’s first Kettlebell club – ENERGY24X7

Designed by Shakti Saran
Ballistic Kettlebell Fitness Academy Facebook